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Warhammer 40K Tournament: Into the Fray [March 29th]



🎉 Welcome all to Gamers Village 1st Tournament  Warhammer 40K for 2025!!🎉
Join us for an exciting one-day Warhammer 40K tournament featuring 3 rounds of play designed to engage players of all skill levels!
Here are the event details:
📅 Date & Time:
- Saturday, March 29th
- Games start at 9:15 AM (Arrive by 8:30 AM for sign-in and army list submission, also thru Best coast pairings)
- 3 Rounds are 2.30 hours, with a break after Round 1 for food.
📍 Location:
Gamers Village @ The Outpost
Unit 7/6 Ellis Way Upper Coomera, 4209
ℹ️ Tournament Format:
- 2000 points Matched Play Warhammer 40K
- Entry Fee: $55 per person
- Player Cap: 20 (Reserve your spot by purchasing your ticket!)
This tournament is a fantastic opportunity to play multiple consecutive games, experiment with different lists, and meet new opponents in a friendly, competitive environment.
🏆 Prizes:
Prizes will be Awarded for best painted, 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, along with a couple of friendly encouragement awards thrown in...

Whether you're an experienced player or new to Warhammer 40K, this tournament offers a great way to experience the 40K tournament scene in a fun and welcoming setting. Don't miss out on this exciting event!

Players pack Below or on facebook



Gamer village first 2k tournament for 2025 

Warhammer 40K Event Players Pack 

Event Details 

Date: 29 March 2025 

Location: Unit 7 Number 6 Ellis Way Upper Coomera, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, Queensland 

Rounds: 3 

Round Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes each 


FAQs and Rules: All current FAQs, Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion, and Balance Data slate will be used up until the list submission date 

Entry: $55 entry paid in store or online 

Player Registration Cut Off: 22 March 2025 Or Sold Out 

List Submission Cut Off: 23th March 2025 


List Submissions 

All lists must be submitted by the cut-off date. 

Late submissions will incur penalties seen fit by the TO.  


Ticket Purchases 

Tickets must be purchased by the cut-off date mentioned above. 



Contact Information 

Event Organizer: Gamers Village 


Ph: 0423583745 





Planned Schedule 

  1. Registration: 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 

  1. Round 1: 8.30 AM - 11:30 AM 

  • Primary Mission: Lynchpin  

  • Deployment: Sweeping Engagement  

  • Mission Rule: Swift Action 

  1. Lunch Break: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM 

  1. Round 2: 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM 

  • Primary Mission: Terraform  

  • Deployment: Search and Destroy 

  • Mission Rule: Smoke and Mirrors 

  1. Round 3: 3:45 PM 5.45 PM 

  • Primary Mission: Take and Hold 

  • Deployment: Crucible of Battle   

  • Mission Rule: Fog of War 

  1. Awards Ceremony: 5:45 PM - 6:15 PM 


What you need to Bring on the day 

  • Your submitted army (YOUR MODELS) 

  • Dice (enough for your needs) 

  • Objective markers 

  • Chapter approved Pariah Nexus cards  

  • Codex/digital copy of current rules for your army   

  • Copy of your army list (to show your opponent) 

  • FAQ of your army if required (don’t expect your opponent to know your army rules, also do some reading about the other Armies played, it speeds up the match if you are not constantly having to be informed) 

  • Measuring tape 






Army Composition/Guidelines  

  • Armies are limited to 2000 points for this event (lists exceeding this will not be accepted). 

  • Armies will not require to be painted but painting scores will be in effect for each game. 




  • Game Results: Victory Points will be used to determine the winner of each game. 

  • Painting Score: the TO will advise of the painting score for your army at the start of the tournament and is to be added to the total score of each round. 

  • Max Score: 100 (Primary 50, Secondaries 40, Painting max 10) 



Tournament Rules 

  • All games will follow the missions and guidelines provided in the CHAPTER APPROVED: PARIAH NEXUS MISSION DECK. 

  • Current Core Rules Updates and Rules Commentary, Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion, and Balance Dataslate will be in use. Effective as of 23 Feb 2025 

  • Sportsmanship is paramount. Any unsportsmanlike behaviour will be subject to penalties as determined by the event organizers. 




  • 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place 

  • Player voted Sportsmanship 

  • Best Painted Army 

  • Random Door Raffle prize  








Gamers village aspires to provide a safe and fun environment for all player. There is a social construct implicit with in games for Warhammer 40,000. It is the expectation that all players conduct themselves in a fair and open anner. The point of this game is to have fun and it is expected that everyone plays accordingly. If there is anything that happens or is disagreed upon during your game please raise this and discuss with the TO at the time of the game on the day. If you feel as though your opponent is not playing within the spirit of the game please advise the TO at the time it happens. The TO and judging team reserves the right to provide warnings to players who display misconduct and may use such penalties as warnings, point deductions, disqualification or expulsion.  

Card method to be used as following  

  • Initial warning – no penalty  

  • Yellow card – 50-point penalty  

  • Red card – disqualification and or expulsion from the event 

Please be aware that this system is intended to mitigate purposeful cheating or misplay and is not intended to penalise genuine mistakes.  


Painting Standards 

Each player may gain up to 10 points for battle-ready armies for this event. The TO/Judging team will advise you in round 1 or your army painting score. You may only add the paint score that has been provided by the judge if you are caught changing this score you may be yellow carded. Conversions are acceptable as long as the base size is the same as the actual model. The model must be similar to the model it is to represent with the correct loadout/weapons as provided in submission. If you are unsure if your model will be acceptable please contact gamers village to seek TO approval prior to the day of the event.  

Warhammer 40K Tournament: Into the Fray [March 29th]

Warhammer 40K Tournament: Into the Fray [March 29th]


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